
REWRITE Tale of Origin Chp18-A Happy Ending

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    Tale of Origin
    By Arecus. Conberma
    Chapter 18: A Happy Ending (for now)

A/N: First off, I want to say thank you for all the support for this story and the universe of Cosium. I can't believe this has been going on for two years, and BIG shout out thanks to my Ghost Writer. Without you, this story and others would never have come this far and more in depth.

King Posiden watched just out of sight as his daughter splashed in a little cove a short distance from the castle, Nenna by his side. The hedgehog prince sat on a rock partly submerged in the saltwater, not minding that he was soaked through and laughing as Sapphire circled him in the shallows. Ever since their memories had returned the day before, Kaze hardly allowed himself to be apart from her.

“Your Highness,” the pink dolphin ventured in a cautious voice, “Sapphire asked me to tell you she intends to marry Prince Kaze.”

The merhog king didn’t take his eyes off them. “It doesn’t surprise me. How does she intend to live with him?”

“…All she told me was that she would find a way,” Nenna fidgeted slightly by wiggling her flippers. “She doesn’t want to resort to a permanent shape-shifting spell because that means she won’t be able to go home to Atlantis anymore…but she doesn’t have much choice.”

Posiden clenched the Trident. “No. Not a shape-shifting spell.”

“But Your Highness!” Nenna protested. “You can’t keep them away from each other now that they remember! They were in love back when they were children. It isn’t right to deprive them of each other again…”

The merhog king remained silent, his eyes following the prince’s hand as he reached out to catch Sapphire by the end of her long quills and tug her closer. Her peal of silvery laughter sounded so much like Marissa’s… Despite the way they were such different species, their love was purer than he had ever seen. Fate truly did want them to be together.

“I meant there is another way.”

The Trident’s three-pronged head touched the surface of the water, sending out a shimmering golden stream toward the young merhog. Sapphire gasped, feeling her body change. Kaze didn’t understand what was happening and tried to pull her to safety, but then she was standing beside him.

“Y-You have feet, but there are scales all over your legs!” he said, gaping.

She looked just as surprised. “I thought it was just a legend…”

An instant later the legs were a tail again and she gave an overjoyed shout. Sapphire leaped out of the water, embracing Kaze with such enthusiasm that he nearly fell off the rock.

“I can marry you without giving up any part of myself!” she cried as her fins changed to legs once more. The princess sat down beside him, pulling one foot up so she could admire them. She had fur on her feet, but scales from ankles to hips.

Kaze touched her knee with the back of his fingers, noticing how smooth the scales felt. Then he realised her wardrobe was less sufficient than he was comfortable with. The filmy seasilk certainly didn’t hide anything it covered. His cheeks heated up and he started to stammer. Sapphire looked at him with eyebrows arched.

“Kaze, you don’t seem to mind when I wear this much with a tail. Why does it make you nervous seeing me this way with legs?”

“…There’s a distinct difference. Hard to explain without getting…technical. But how did it happen?”

They stood up and looked around for the one responsible, but by then Posiden was already gone. The merhog princess knew it had to be her father. He was the only one she knew powerful enough to cast a spell that could change the nature of her body.

He swam toward Atlantis, Nenna hurrying to keep up. “You may tell Sapphire she has my blessing. This was her wedding present. Now, I think perhaps I ought to find a fitting one for my future son-in-law.”

About a week after the engagement announcement and Rakar’s death, the whole country seemed to breathe a sigh of freedom for the first time in years. Once Athena declared she was renewing the alliance between Cosium and Atlantis, there were some places that practically celebrated. Not only would it help with sea travel, trading and protection of their shorelines, but the merhogs themselves were known all over the world as great Water-wielders. Their aid could be invaluable up and down rivers.

Carrie, the one-eyed rabbit who stayed by Benonic’s side, was soft-spoken and welcoming. The day the deformed hedgehog took Sapphire to meet her, she was pulled into a little shop and suddenly faced with a veritable mountain of food Carrie had prepared for her guest.

“The easiest way to get to know someone is by finding out what they like to eat best!” the cream-yellow rabbit laughed with a wink.

It was a surprise for Carrie to discover the merhog had a love for pickled fish—just like Benonic! The two shared their favourite snack with a certain sense of fellowship, growing more comfortable with one another as Sapphire tried hard to understand his signing. At least she had a little background learning his language from her time as a mute. Carrie was helpful as a translator whenever she got lost, not to mention she had a knack for making people feel comfortable.

The young Assassin had his eye on Kaze whenever he spent time with his fiancée, noticing at once that his younger brother’s affection was sincere. As the eldest male in their family, he had the authority to give his blessing, publicly vowing to protect them and their future children (much to the couple’s embarrassment).

Yet the hedgehog family still had one important matter left to clear up.

“Darren,” the queen said to her son one morning, “would you mind finding Eliza and meeting me in the throne room?”

The ebony hedgehog felt his stomach drop to his feet. “Eliza? Um...why?”

“I’ll explain once you are both present. Now please do as I asked.”

Some minutes afterward, Eliza followed him with her head bowed as though ashamed. When the doors to the throne room opened, they saw not only the queen present, but Kaze, Sapphire, Benonic and all the royal advisors. Any shred of hope that this could be handled privately crumbled to dust. The pink hedgehog went rigid, though she continued to stand beside him with meekness and servility.

“It has come to my attention,” Athena began as they approached the dais, “that my youngest has formed romantic affections for one of the servants. Master Canis, be so kind as to read the tradition concerning this matter so that there may be no misunderstanding among us.”

The wolf stepped forward gravely, a book in his hands. He flipped it open to a previously-marked page and cleared his throat.

“The royal bloodline is to be kept as pure as possible in an attempt to cultivate Royal gifts granted by the gods as a symbol of their favour. Espousing commoners is a humiliation resulting in the diluting of magic in addition to the gifts and, as such, any prince or princess of true lineage who refuses marriage with another royal or noble must give up their station and all claims to the throne in order to ensure the family is not weakened from within.”

There was complete silence. He’d known this for as long as he could remember, and only his youth and attachment to the family had kept him from breaking ties yet. Darren’s hands hung by his sides and he saw Benonic looking stoic as usual, but he couldn’t read the expression on Kaze’s face. Eliza seemed ready to cry. She hadn’t known Darren’s love for her would cost this much.

Athena folded her hands. “Now I would like Master Canis to explain to me why a Royal gift and strong magic makes one a better ruler than another who does not have them.”

Kaze’s teacher was not expecting this question. He fiddled with the book, but seemed to find everyone’s attention suddenly unnerving as he turned the pages hurriedly. After half a minute of fruitless searching, he snapped it closed.

“Your Majesty, it is important that all children of royalty be trained to accept the throne.”

“Quite so,” she agreed. “But suppose none of my children had Royal gifts or magic of any kind, yet were still taught the essentials of how to oversee a country in a fair, just manner. Would their rule be any less decent?”

Now the wolf couldn’t find any words at all. Athena’s gaze returned to her youngest son and the servant by his side.

“Symbols of power are important, but they should not be the dominant keys to directing our lives. I do not feel the tradition of limiting the Royal family’s choice in marriage to a small group of people is crucial to the effectiveness of their stations as kings or queens.” She stood up, gesturing to the two standing before her. “Therefore I declare the softening of this law which ensures no certainty of resulting in good rulers.”

The queen’s statement produced a stunned silence from the majority of those who had been called to the throne room. Darren’s teacher, Master Snowfoot, took an uneasy step forward.

“But surely Your Majesty is not implying the noble bloodline of Ancient Cosmos is of no great value.”

“The bloodline of Ancient Cosmos is still here, Master Snowfoot, only with some…variety,” Athena said with a loose smile. “The point of keeping it pure is a faulty custom more likely to cause strife than unity. I have seen this many times in history and with my own eyes. I will not continue ascribing to a law that has caused more damage over the years than I care to name.”

“But what of Cosium’s alliances?” Master Canis insisted. “Can you truly announce this change without offending them?”

“I never said I would discourage any of my descendants from marrying those they have been expected to form ties with for countless generations. Relations with royalty and nobility will be promoted, but not restricted to those circles.”

Kaze stepped down and slipped a small, white box to his younger brother, whispering, “I hope you’re smart enough to take the opportunity right in front of you.”

He didn’t need to look inside to know what he’d been given, so Darren turned to Eliza and dropped down on one knee. She let out a gasp as he opened the box, offering her a thin gold band crested with a ruby and sapphire—the same colours as their eyes.

The ebony hedgehog knelt there, biting his lip and trying to remember what was the proper thing to say. If he’d even had a minute’s warning he wouldn’t have gone blank! Benonic wiggled his fingers slightly, catching Darren’s attention long enough to remind him what he ought to do.

Taking a nervous breath, the prince reached out to take Eliza’s hand. “Elizabeth Aishe Hedgehog…my princess, will…will you *gulp* …marry me and make me the happiest man alive?”

Her fingers sat limply in his hand as she gazed at him with tearful eyes. “This isn’t a dream, right?”

Darren shook his head slowly, beginning to smile.

Eliza let out a relieved laugh, replying, “Good, because if it was I’d never want to wake up!”

“Sooooo…is that yes?” he wondered with a hopeful air.

The pink hedgehog embraced him with all her strength, nearly making him topple over. “I always knew you were my Prince Charming!”

Darren slipped the ring onto her finger and they exchanged a kiss, oblivious to the faces of the royal advisors—most of whom were still mentally clinging to the traditions of what this ought to have brought upon the prince and gypsy prior to Queen Athena’s announcement.

Behind them, Sapphire murmured, “Does this mean there will be a double wedding?”

Abruptly Darren went red. “Um… You know what? Why don’t we wait a while before deciding when exactly we’ll be taking that step. A little while,” he repeated, glancing at Eliza’s amused expression. “If you want a double wedding, maybe Ben and Carrie will oblige.”

It was the deformed hedgehog’s turn to change colours, glad that Carrie wasn’t present to hear the statement. “We intend to take things slow, thank you very much.”

Their mother gave a long-suffering sigh. “All this waiting… When am I going to get my grandchildren?!”

King Posiden gripped his daughter’s arm as she helped him up the steps of the castle. He also clutched a whalebone box with the other hand as though his life depended on it.

“I don’t see how these land-beasts are able to do anything with legs,” he grumbled. “They’re so unreliable. Three would at least give more stability, but two is horribly inadequate.”

Sapphire didn’t try to suppress her grin. He was doing much better than he had the first time he’d shape-shifted. In fact he was perfectly capable of walking on his own, but there was always some disorientation right after the change.

“How were you able to adjust so quickly, Sapphire?”

His daughter gave a humble shrug. “I’m not sure. It didn’t make sense to me the first day either, but by morning my body seemed to know what it was supposed to do. Daddy, maybe if you stayed a hedgehog a little longer than an hour at a time, you’d—”

“I’ll consider it some other day. Right now I have important things to do. Queen Athena wants to discuss the wedding and then I would like to see your fiancé by myself. I’d prefer it if you found some way to occupy yourself until I am done.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she smiled, leading him to the Royal Wing. “Just don’t try to scare him away from me. It won’t work.”

“As much as it pains me, I’ve already given up on that, dearest.”

Athena opened her door at the knock and greeted them with a radiant smile, giving Sapphire a quick, motherly hug. The princess excused herself, saying she wanted to see the library, and the two monarchs were left alone.

The blue hedgehog immediately brought him over to her table to show off the plans for the ship that would be adjusted to better accommodate a merhog audience. She pointed out the way Kaze and Sapphire would be on a raised pavilion in the centre, and the sides of the ship itself would be as low as possible.

“The only problem is that you can’t be on board without shape-shifting,” she said with some regret. “I know how you feel about legs, but unless you can hold a water bubble for over an hour, I’m not sure you’ll be able to be at your daughter’s side.”

“I have already made arrangements to that end, Athena,” he assured her. “You need not worry about me. I would like the wedding to take place above Atlantis, or at least near enough.”

“Of course. Is there anything else we can do to make the marriage incorporate a more Atlantian theme?”

They spent a few minutes discussing typical merhog décor and traditions, then Posiden said he had something he wished to give her son. A minute later he entered Kaze’s room, the long whalebone box in his hands. The prince offered him a seat, but he refused politely.

“I think it may be better if you sat down instead of me. I have an early wedding present for you.”

He showed Kaze the box’s contents, noting that the hedgehog’s grateful expression was forced when he laid eyes on the clear crystal cut into the likeness of an arm. The merhog set it down on the table.

“Before you decide you don’t want it, at least try it on. I promise not to be offended if you refuse.”

Kaze considered briefly, then gave a slow nod and removed his long-sleeved shirt.

“I have to warn you first, though. Attaching will hurt. This is living crystal from a sacred cave only known to the merhog priestesses.”

“Just get it over with,” Kaze muttered, looking away.

Posiden picked up the false limb. As it touched the prince’s flesh, the end liquefied and reached out with veins, wrapping around what was left of the hedgehog’s arm. Kaze gasped and would have yanked away except that Posiden had a hand firmly clamped down on his shoulder, keeping him as stationary as possible.

Hold still! It will be over soon.”

Kaze couldn’t stifle the grunts, keeping his eyes screwed shut. It felt as though tiny, white-hot knives were digging deep into his skin! The sensation seemed to drag on for minutes before it finally started to cool and fade. He found himself sweating and breathing heavily.

“If I had known it was going to feel like that, I would have refused before it touched me,” he growled. “As much as I appreciate your gift, it might be better not to pretend I’m nor…mal…”

Kaze trailed off, eyes catching movement that shouldn’t have been possible.

The crystal hand twitched, fingers partly splaying out to reflect his surprise. Even as he looked at it in complete shock, the crystal darkened and changed its texture, turning into an imitation of blue and red fur… Within a short time it looked identical to the limb he’d lost. He slid his fingers from its elbow to wrist, astonished that it even felt like fur.

“It is the best replacement I can provide. You have no sense of touch, of course, so it’s difficult to be sure how tightly you hold onto things. You’ll have to learn how much effort to use, though with enough practise it ought to be perfectly natural in a month or so.” Posiden paused, still holding the arm in place. “If you want to accept it, that is.”

Kaze watched the fingers move, swallowing hard. “Yeah… I’ll keep it. Thank you.” The edge of a smile touched his mouth. “At least now I don’t have to get rid of all my right-hand gloves.”

The merhog king removed the arm, reassuring him that it wouldn’t be nearly as painful to reattach anymore since the initial link to his physiology was done. He pulled out a harness and helped buckle it across Kaze’s chest, then fastened the arm to it using a metal brace on the shoulder. Once Posiden released him, Kaze tested his range of motion, finding his movements awkward and jerky.

“It’s so light…like it’s not there.”

“The harness can be replaced with a smaller one once your muscles have fully adjusted. You might even be able to wear nothing except the shoulder strap on occasion, but you will need additional support for the most part,” he said, closing the box. “Well, you ought to be able to cope without my interference, so I’ll leave you to yourself. Though I would ask you to do me a favour by trying not to break my daughter’s hand by accident.”

Before he could open the door, Kaze spoke. “If…if you don’t mind…after Sapphire and I are married…could I call you ‘Father’?”

The king faced him with more warmth than Kaze had ever seen in him before. He reached for the hedgehog’s shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze. “Yes.”

When Sapphire came to see him, she gawked at his new prosthetic. “It can’t be… He told you this was crystal?

“Yes. Some kind of ‘living’ crystal, whatever that means.”

“I don’t believe it!” she cried, twisting his arm every direction and feeling it all over. Kaze didn’t want to tug it away for fear of pulling too hard and knocking her down. “The priestesses harvest crystals from one of the Deepsea caves and bathe them in moonlight once a year and Daddy touches them with the pearls in his Trident. It must have taken at least five years to collect this much!”

“Really? Then why did he act like he didn’t care if I refused to take it?”

“Because you wouldn’t have,” Sapphire giggled. “I wonder if he enchanted it to be a weapon too… They usually are. He must really be pleased with you if he was willing to do this. Do you think you’ll learn to use it well enough in the next week and a half before our wedding?”

“I have to,” he said, trying not to feel nervous about the reminder of how soon the coronation and marriage was approaching.

Sapphire had been brought to the ship just before dawn, not allowed to see Kaze until the wedding began. Eliza and Athena were waiting for her with a snowy dress. She didn’t want to voice her disappointment. Maybe colourless wedding dresses were required among land-dwellers?

For merhogs a wedding gown was to be as long as possible, the train carried by seahorses, dolphins or fish. They were never pure white. Her people had a passion for colours.

Athena steered her over to a corner shielded by tall screens. She put on the dress as well as she could, then they helped her lace it up. A seamstress came in, tucking and making adjustments until it fit her form snugly.

Athena stood back, happy memories drifting before her eyes. “My wedding gown and my mother’s… You wear it so well, Sapphire. Now let’s give it a bit of Atlantian-Cosium flair, shall we?”

The seamstress pulled out a length of fabric embroidered with the Trident and sewed it to the front, pinning the sheer cloth on either side with seashell clasps. Next she took something pale blue, fastening it to her waist. Sapphire noted the edges draping down the sides almost had a feather-like pattern. As she craned her head to see, what looked like a green merhog tail was sewn to the back of her dress.

“A merhog with wings?” she wondered.

“Wings are the symbol of Cosium. That’s why they’re on the royal crest.” Athena stopped, her expression growing concerned. “I hope Kaze will understand…”

Once seated in front of a mirror, Sapphire watched them work on her quills. Eliza braided them all the way down her back and fastened on an Atlantian quill-ring, using another one for her unruly headspikes that were pressed flat.

The princess picked up a clamshell box she’d brought with her, stroking the ridges fondly before opening it. “I wanted to wear this too.”

The petals of the sea-flower were so thin they were almost transparent, but there were many overlapping layers to make the colour a deep, gossamer blue. A stunning blaze of coppery crimson drew the eye to its heart.

“It belonged to my mother,” she said softly, lifting it from its case. “I’ve never worn it before.”

Athena took it from her with gentleness, fastening the sea-flower beside the princess’s ear as she said, “Then this is the perfect occasion. There. It suits you, my dear.” She stepped back to survey Sapphire’s dress with pride, then knelt to unlock a hatch set in the floor. “Now it’s time for your visitor.”


The hatch pulled back and dark seawater sloshed a few inches below the ship’s floorboards. Moments later a head broke the surface, making Sapphire squeal happily and rush across to embrace the soft blue merhog who had been in her life for as long as she could remember.


“Sapphire,” her nursery-maid murmured, hugging back.

The princess held on, mind flooded by memories of this dear woman. Her nanny had been there when she was born, and one of Sapphire’s favourite bedtime tales told by her was about the blazing star that came down during the birth and settled in her tiny chest. After Queen Marissa’s death, Nanny had stayed nearby, always ready with a comforting hug and a collection of stories about her mother so that, even dead, she never seemed so far away.

“I’m so happy to see you!” Nanny covered her mouth as though embarrassed by the helpless smile she couldn’t hold back. “You look lovely—ravishing! But I didn’t come just to compliment. I asked to be here before the wedding and give you as much advice as I could on married life.”

“Advice?” the princess blinked, feeling nervousness begin to churn in her stomach. She had been so busy with preparations and memorising the words she had to say during the ceremony that the impact of getting married had failed to fully sink in.

Sapphire sat on the floor, ignoring the water on her dress as her nursery-maid shared experiences and mistakes and lessons she’d learned in over forty years of marriage. Her attention was so focused on the pale blue merhog that she didn’t notice Athena pick up a package and slip from the room.

“Even though I knew Kaze was going to get married when he turned sixteen, I’ve always expected Ben to be first down the aisle,” Darren said, standing behind thee azure hedgehog in the captain’s cabin.

Benonic’s fingers moved with a bit of an annoyed snap. “I’ve already told you we decided to take our relationship slowly. Carrie isn’t comfortable with the idea of marriage right now, and I’m not so sure I am either.”

The youngest hedgehog gave him a humoured look. “It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you’ll have to be tied up and dragged into a chapel on your wedding day. I brought some shackles just in case Kaze has second thoughts.”

Both his older brothers tried to smack him on the back of his head and they ended up in a playful fight that rendered all the meticulous care taken with Kaze’s uniform completely pointless. The servant who had brushed out every wrinkle and speck of fur closed his eyes in pained despair.

“Your Highness…”

“Fine, fine,” he sighed, letting Darren out of a headlock. “I’ll behave now.”

“Thank you. Do me a favour and please stay still for more than a minute.”

As the crown prince stood there allowing himself to be primed for the wedding that would take place in less than an hour, his younger brother grew serious.

“In all honesty I’ve been trying to find a way to thank you for the ring. Every time I see Eliza, she’s admiring it. You’re the one who told Mother about us, aren’t you? I can’t…” He paused to swallow. “I can’t tell you what it means to be able to call her my fiancée. It’ll probably be a few years before we get married, but it changes everything knowing that we can be a part of each other’s lives without having to keep it secret anymore. There’s nothing I can do to pay you and Mother back for that.”

Kaze didn’t know what to say, so he reached forward, grasping Darren’s shoulder.

Your Highness…” the servant said through gritted teeth.

“Sorry!” he said, quickly letting his arm fall. “Don’t you give any allowances for moments like this?”

“Not today.”

Benonic gazed at Kaze, his expression suddenly changing to one of sadness. “Kaze… I’ve been there since before you were born. You’ve come to me for advice from the beginning and I always hoped I had the right answers for you. But now…you’re moving on to a place where I can’t provide any wisdom. I hardly understand love, much less marriage. For the first time I don’t know what to say and I desperately wish I did. I’m sorry.”

The azure hedgehog stared, the gravity of the situation in front of him finally starting to become clear. “Ben… Maybe you can’t give me advice, but just being there is enough. Right now, though… Would all of you mind leaving me for a bit? I need to think.”

The servant snapped his head up, “I hope you don’t mean me too.”

All of you,” he repeated more forcefully.

They left and Kaze sat down. Pulling several deep breaths in through his mouth, he finally allowed the moment to wash over him. He was marrying today. Sapphire was going to be his wife. He was about to become her husband. The thought of being crowned king paled next to that. Was he really ready for this?

A soft, familiar knock interrupted him as he was beginning to feel the effects of hyperventilation. He opened the door without speaking, not trusting his voice to come out in anything other than a squeak.

“Nervous?” Athena asked as she shut the door behind her. He shrugged and she looked around the captain’s cabin. “Where is everyone? I thought your brothers were supposed to help you get ready.”

The blue-furred prince cleared his throat, glad his voice sounded steadier than he expected, “I asked them to give me a few minutes.”

She raised an eyebrow then grabbed a brush and immediately used it to attack his quills. “At least they could have made sure you went out there without a cowlick.”

After she was satisfied, Kaze stared into the mirror. The formal suit felt so awkward. He could safely use his new arm for the most part, but he’d accidentally crushed a fruit he tried to eat that morning, so he still had to be very attentive whenever he touched things. Hopefully he wouldn’t do something stupid while everyone was watching.

He noticed his mother’s reflection as she stood behind him, her eyes on the package she’d brought in. “What’s that?”

A troubled smile flickered across her lips. Athena blinked rapidly as though trying not to cry, then held it out. “From your father. He had it made when you were a boy, but it was too big to give you back then.”

Kaze accepted the package, unwrapping it with a sense of apprehension. Red cloth…a cape? He shook it out, going stiff as he realised the bottom was patterned to resemble feathers.

“The accident happened four years after he died. He…he always thought you had the right to show off your wings, and this way you could.” Athena didn’t raise her eyes to see his expression. “I’m sorry. I should have gotten rid of it, but your father touched it. I…couldn’t throw it out. Kaze I didn’t want to cause you pain on your wedding day, but this morning when I woke up… I don’t know why I…”

She didn’t seem able to find any more words.

Kaze felt the fabric, tears making his vision go blurry. If he hadn’t known Mortesen was responsible, his first impulse would have been to shred the thing and stuff it out the nearest window…but Mother was right. The idea of ruining it was more painful than the idea of wearing it.

Somehow he found himself in front of the mirror again, fingering the cape with a soft, thoughtful touch. In one motion he pulled it on, fastening it to the epaulettes on his shoulders, then he gazed at his reflection.

“Thank you, Mother,” he whispered.

Athena came over, taking his face in her hands. “You don’t have to. You’re not obligated to do this.”

Kaze met her ruby eyes and answered deliberately, “I want to. I’m not trying to pretend. It’s a way to show Papa I still honour him. I know it’ll be hard, but I can wear it. Maybe…it will become easier with time.”

His mother gave a relieved smile. “I am very proud of you, Kaze. I know you’ll be a good king and husband.”

“They’re ready for you, Princess,” Eliza said with an excited trill.

Sapphire brushed her hands down the dress one last time and stepped out. Now she could hear the music and was surprised to recognise the Atlantian wedding theme. But it was played on violins and flutes and…whatever those other instruments were called. It sounded so familiar and yet foreign.

Waiting outside was Athena in a red satin dress that gave her a certain regal air—but she probably would have come across that way even in rags. The merhog tried to smile and was unsure whether she succeeded.

“How is your reading coming along?” the blue hedgehog asked, guiding Sapphire toward the stairs that led to the upper deck.

She found it difficult to reply as she mounted the steps and the light grew brighter. “It’s…much better, but I still haven’t gotten to the end of the story.”

“Not necessarily. You are the end of the story.”

Athena’s assurance cast a wave of mysterious calm over her. She was living her fairytale.

Her eyes grew accustomed to the light and Sapphire stared about at a garden of flowers that had not been there when she boarded the ship. The queen reached out, her glowing fingers touching them as they passed, then something strange and wonderful began to happen.

Hundreds and then thousands of petals wafted into the air, swirling in a circular pattern around the princess. She gasped as they thinned and wove together, settling over her dress with their myriad of colours. Moments later they formed a sheer veil that draped down her back and trailed along behind, almost like the soft token of a rainbow. Sea-blue petals coloured her dress itself too while tiny, rounded leaves attached to the artificial tail and glinted there like wet scales in the sun.

Sapphire was afraid to move for fear of breaking the spell that turned the plants into her gown. No merhog had ever had such a wedding dress…

“I think you’re ready for one of the biggest steps in your life, Sapphire,” she said, giving the princess’s hand a brief squeeze before leaving to join her son.

Posiden stood a few metres away, staring at her. His eyes filled with happiness and longing, but also tinted with heartache as he found himself facing the young woman his daughter had become without remembering her growing up.

“You look so much like your mother,” he whispered, reaching out to caress the sea-flower by her ear.

Her father looked so handsome in his traditional Atlantian armour, and he had even shape-shifted for the occasion. But then Sapphire blinked and cocked her head to one side. Her father’s legs had scales rather than fur. Understanding unfolded in her mind.

“Daddy… Did you really make yourself…? Are you like me?

Small laugh-lines appeared at the corners of his eyes. “I have decided to give our people the choice to visit land. Tomorrow I will announce that anyone who chooses may undergo the change as long as they are full-grown. For now, let’s focus on your wedding.”

Someone placed a bouquet of shimmering flowers and starfish jewels into her hands, then she took her father’s arm, holding on so tightly that she probably left bruises. The music changed, several merhog maidens beginning to sing in the ancient language of their kind. Sapphire’s heart somersaulted inside her chest.

Kaze’s mouth fell open when he set eyes on her and Darren had to nudge quite hard to make him start walking forward with their mother. They came from opposite ends of the ship and met in the centre where a raised platform had been set up.

Neither of them had looked away from one another, too mesmerised to notice the Coizards and merhogs around them. Time held its breath as they approached. Sapphired gazed at him, hardly believing he could have chosen her, and Kaze stared into the emerald jewels she had for eyes, wondering how he could have ever considered marrying anyone else.

Posiden stroked his daughter’s hand and gave the offering gesture to Kaze, but before he could give her away, Sapphire threw her arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you, Daddy! I love you so much…”

Taking one final breath, she loosened her hold on him and stepped up to her fiancé. The prince and princess mounted the platform until they stood on top with no one else but the priest of Cosmos. A pedestal was behind him with the crown and scepter.

“The two nations—Cosium and Atlantis—have chosen to be united this day,” he intoned. “An alliance solidified by the binding of their families in the most intimate way possible. Kaze Negolas Hedgehog, do you take this woman to be your wife and queen, in sickness and in health, till Lady Death comes to take you beyond the veil of this world?”

“I do,” Kaze responded without hesitation and full of love.

The priest turned to Sapphire, whose eyes shone with tears. “And do you, Sapphire Meralda Merhog, take this man to be your husband and king, in sickness and in health, till Lady Death comes to take you beyond the veil of this world?”

“I do,” Sapphire replied, the tears beginning to trickle down her cheeks. Her heart beat with joy and full of light as if she herself glowed faintly from the sheer happiness of the moment.

Posiden held out a small, silver dish with yellow dye. His daughter dipped in her finger and used it to paint a swirling sun on Kaze’s cheek. He smiled and traced a crescent moon on hers.

The priest continued, “As the sun and moon married one another eons ago, so these two children marry. Unbreakable bonds tie them to each other unto death.”

Two servants carried up a long pearl necklace, setting it over their heads so that they were connected. A bright red rose (rather than the customary sea-flower) was tied to it so that it hung between them.

“Prince Kaze, will you solemnly promise to govern the people of Cosium with all your might and strength?” the priest asked.

“I solemnly promise to do so. From the time of our first king, Cosium has been a haven for the lost, a bastion for the weak…”

Kaze continued, his voice carrying as he went through the history of his country. Several past kings and their accomplishments were mentioned, as were great changes that took place over the last four hundred years. He only lost his place once, but Darren gave him a hint and he recovered quickly. At last his speech ended with,

“I will do all in my power to ensure that law and justice are executed within my domain, keeping always before me the virtues implanted in my soul by Cosmos herself and nurtured by my father and mother.”

The priest nodded, then turned to the merhog. “Princess Sapphire, may you so rule land and kingdom as to spread the honour and glory of Cosmos, maintain justice and equity and be for the good of Cosium and its people.”

Sapphire’s reply was less flowery than Kaze’s, then they knelt. The priest replaced Kaze’s Prince crown with his father’s on his head as Athena removed hers and gave it to Sapphire. The kingdom’s scepter rested on the pedestal, waiting for him.

Kaze rose to his feet. A vision flashed in front of him as he stretched his fingers out. He’d done this before. No…his father had done this before, Athena at his side—and he’d been terrified too.

Kaze froze, the memory nearly making him choke with emotion. But then an unseen presence appeared at his side. Pride radiated from it.  

‘You’re here, aren’t you?’ he wondered with a smile instinctively quirked on his lips.

Always, the word echoed from a great distance in his father’s voice.

Kaze closed his eyes and took hold of the scepter. The Cosmos Diamond flared, engulfing him in fiery green light. There was no doubt now that he was the rightful ruler. It faded in less than a minute, but he felt indescribably…different.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the priest proudly announced. Then he added warmly to Kaze, “You may kiss the bride.”

Without being told twice, Kaze swept Sapphire off her feet, causing her to yelp, but she was quickly silenced by a passionate kiss. She closed her eyes and happily returned it with the same vigour.

While the newly-wedded couple were still locked in their deep kiss of promise, a booming voice behind them carried the proclamation out over the gathering: “Citizens of Cosium and Atlantis, I present to you the new King and Queen of Cosium Kingdom!!”

The ceremony was complete, and the people cheered for their new monarchs. The merfolk and Coizards sang in chorus,

:music: ALL: Ahhhh
And now at last
Love has surpassed
Each tribulation
Merhog and Coizard
Finally can
Join and be one
Now they can smile
Walking the aisle
Here at their
Wedding celebration

Kaze: Sailing forward

Sapphire: Standing steady

Kaze and Sapphire: Starting life
Completely ready

The couple began to walk up the steps leading to the ship’s forecastle. Once there, they both gave each other a sincere, traditional bow.

:music: Now they can be who they are meant to be
Now they can gaze on a new horizon
Here between ocean and sky
Forever and on!

Everyone cheered again. The newlyweds gazed into each other’s eyes, barely able to take in the fact that it had really happened.

:music: Now they can walk
Now they can run
Now they can stay all day in the sun

Kaze raised the scepter as King Posiden gave Sapphire his Trident.

:music: Kaze: Just you and me

Sapphire: And I will be

All: Part of your world! :music:

The couple slowly placed a hand on each other’s symbol of their kingdoms, resulting in a new glow that sparked and flickered as the objects accepted them both.

King Posiden spoke behind them, “Soon merhogs will be able to visit the land. To promote this harmony between our peoples, I want to allow Coizards to visit Atlantis.”

The merhog took his Trident back, then pointed to the sea with it. An arc of light shot out and vanished, then the water seemed to boil and froth as something happened far beneath the surface. A wave rocked the ship dangerously as earth moved, lifting Atlantis higher and higher until it broke through.

Crystalline spires veined with gold glinted wetly in the sunlight, dozens of decorative arches fanning out around the palace. So long had the merhogs’ great city lain beneath the ocean that huge beds of coral fortified its stone base, and mounds of barnacles, sea urchins, kelp, clams and starfish clung to its outer walls.

The city itself mostly remained beneath the water, but many of the higher structures touched the surface. Homes embedded in nests of colourful shells and sea-vines could be seen less than twenty feet below them.

Every land-dweller stared in awe, astonished and impressed by this place they had only heard of in tales and rumours. Sapphire tearfully watched this take place as she leaned against Kaze, knowing it was not her life alone that had changed this day, but the destiny of her entire people.

Sapphire looked up at her new husband, also staring lovingly at her. Memories of their first meeting and the following developments of their relationship flooded their minds, making them realize how many obstacles they had overcome in order to be together, and undoubtedly the future held many more. But as long as they stood by one another, nothing could break them.

They sealed their promise with another kiss as a light wind carried sea spray around them. The king and queen knew well that this ending was just another beginning.

Present time in Cosium

The mist faded away, signifying the end of the tale. Maria leaned her head against Shadow’s shoulder.

So romantic! What did you think?”

“It…wasn’t terrible,” he conceded.

“You’re so hard to please,” she teased him.

At the same time Tails nudged his best friend, saying, “Now I know where you get your hankering for adventure.”

“Yup. I guess it’s hereditary,” Sonic agreed.

The others were about to comment when the door opened again and the hedgehogs’ parents returned. They were surprised at the bright, knowing looks directed at them.

Sapphire turned to her brother-in-law. “Looks like you kept them awake. It seems your story was more interesting than mine.”

“Oh no, Mama!” Silver said quickly. “Your story was great!”

A flicker of confusion passed over her face, especially when everyone else tried desperately to stifle sudden laughter, then both she and her husband staggered back in surprise as their two younger sons attacked them with an enthusiastic hug. Shadow continued to sit on the bed, arms crossed and wearing a stoic expression, but Maria leaned close and whispered into his ear.

“They went through a lot for you.”

“…It wasn’t for me.”

“Yes, it was,” the golden hedgehog insisted. “They’re your family and they always will be no matter what happens. More importantly, they love you.”

She gave him a push and he uneasily crossed over, offered a quick hug to Sapphire and stepped back. 

The queen smiled, snatching his hand before he could get away. “Thank you, Shadow. I don’t know why the three of you are acting so affectionate all of a sudden, but I’m not going to complain.”

Kaze grinned at his sons. “We’re family. No need for any other explanation.”


.....Or is it?

Darren collected the mist-teller’s components, slipping them back into their pouch and then quietly exiting while everyone was settling down to finally go to sleep. He was nearly to his room when he became aware that someone had followed him.

Trails’ face was serious. “No one else seemed to notice the inconsistency… He didn’t really die that night, did he?”

Darren stood there in front of his door, unmoving. He didn’t meet his adopted son’s eyes. “No.”

“What happened?” The tremor in his voice betrayed the emotions under that calm mask. “Please, I need to know—to understand why everything happened the way it did. You left me to do it all on my own and I made so many mistakes… I just want to know why.”

“…Because I didn’t have a choice,” Darren murmured, guilt soaking his tone despite the words. He placed a hand on Trails’ shoulder, guiding him into the room that had once belonged to himself and his wife. “I haven’t told anyone the whole story yet. Not even Kaze. But you have a right to know. You were there…”


“This is lovely!” Eliza chirped, nearly prancing from one end of the room to the other. “Your own study…just to help Kaze!”

“He has one that’s been perfectly adequate for over five generations,” Darren muttered to his fiancée, pulling another set of books from a wooden box. “Why he has to give one to me just to collect copies of the same things he already has feels…counterproductive.”

“But there will be things you think are important here. Don’t you see that’s why he needs you?”

Eliza’s words soothed away the prickling irritation and he stopped grousing. She always seemed to know exactly what to say in order for him to see things from a new perspective. He pushed his glasses up a bit so that he could rub his eyes. It was late and he’d been moving things all evening, unwilling to let the servants do it since they wouldn’t know where to put everything.

“Alright, I’ll quit complaining. Wait… Where did Trails go?”

They both looked around, searching between boxes until the three-tailed wolf peeped out of an empty cabinet and giggled at them. Darren snatched him and started to scold, but Trails pulled off the hedgehog’s glasses and tried to wear them himself. The effect was amusing to Eliza, especially since the three-month-old had put them on upside-down.

“Look at that! He wants to be just like you!”

Darren allowed himself a chuckle before plucking them out of the baby’s grasp and returning them to their rightful place.

“It’s past your bedtime, silly boy!” the castle servant chided, taking him back. “Say goodnight!”

“Nat, Pa!” the grey wolf squeaked, waving.

Darren blinked. “Did he just call me…?”

His fiancée’s blush was deep enough to stand out in her pink fur. “Sorry. I told him someday you’d be his papa. I guess he’s too young to understand.”

“Eliza, we’ve been over this a dozen times the last few months,” the prince said wearily. “I’m just not ready! Being engaged is one thing—Kaze and Sapphire were engaged since they were children—but we’re only fourteen.”

“…I caught the bouquet at Kaze and Sapphire’s wedding. That means we’ll get married next, you know.”

“That’s just a superstition! I hope you don’t seriously believe that sort of thing. Don’t you think it’s important to be prepared first?”

She stroked Trails’ fluffy tails, making him croon and cuddle against her chest, but he could see the hurt in her eyes. “Darren, maybe you don’t feel it, but I think you are ready. And ever since we found this little one, he’s like our baby. Don’t you want us to be a family?”

He started to answer when a feeling of dread filled the room. Darren shouted at her to run and spun in a circle to find the source. It couldn’t be—but he’d recognize that horrifying, disease-like ambience anywhere!

Then Trails started crying and he twisted back around. Eliza clutched the squalling wolf cub, but her eyes stared straight ahead at nothing. Behind her stood someone whose bones had been unceremoniously dumped into a grave months earlier. Every one of Darren’s muscles tensed, stretched like harp strings about to break.

“You look surprised,” Rakar said in a silky voice. His hand was on Eliza’s shoulder and he glanced at the little bundle in her arms. “A cursed wolf? How sweet of you to take it in. Nephew, your generosity knows no bounds. Now be quiet, whelp.”

Tendrils of shadow wrapped around Trails, keeping him still and covering his mouth so that only the tiniest squeaks could escape. Seeing Rakar use his Shadow Tentacles on the baby made him snap into action.

He crossed the room in a flash, vine-whips lashing forward as he gave a wild growl. A black shield took form, rendering the attack harmless, but Darren was desperate. Vines shot up from the floor, swarming toward the dark brown hedgehog and his hostages.

But he was suddenly gone, forcing Darren to halt the attacking vines so that Eliza and Trails wouldn’t be crushed. It was only a second of distraction, but it was all Rakar needed.

The inner edge of a scythe pressed against his throat. He could hear Rakar’s soft sigh of displeasure directly behind him.

“You don’t really want things to get messy, do you? Now make the vines disappear.”

“You’re dead!” Darren rasped, still not sure whether he was hallucinating.

The hazy violet glow on that scythe certainly looked real enough, but Sapphire had shot him in the chest. His skeleton had been found in Kaze’s room!

…A skeleton without any identifying features.

“What poor sap took your place?” the prince asked, figuring it out at last. His whips and vines dissolved into green mist, leaving him defenceless. “And how were you able to cast an illusion inside the castle walls? That shouldn’t be possible.”

“I don’t even remember the fool’s name, but he certainly leaped at the chance to kill Kaze. He actually believed I would protect him even though it should have been obvious he was a decoy when I gave him my face. As for the illusion itself, I think I’ll keep that particular secret to myself.”

Rakar’s laughter sent a chill down Darren’s spine. He didn’t dare move.

“Are you here to kill me?”

“No. I think trying to dispose of you before was a mistake. If you can survive a mortal wound like that, then perhaps I can make better use of you.”

The weapon at his throat disappeared into the air and Darren darted away, unwilling to have his uncle where he couldn’t see him.

“It’s odd,” Rakar continued as if they were having a leisurely conversation. “Though you look so much like your father, Kaze is the one who acts more like him. I see much more of myself in you. Your Royal gift has divided you from others most of your life, the same way mine did. It doesn’t surprise me that you turned to books to escape the isolation. So did I.”

Darren’s focus unconsciously turned inward. He didn’t want to admit the other hedgehog was right. No one had ever been all that comfortable around him because of his Third Eye. He’d always been alone—but then he thought of his brothers and Eliza. There was something false in Rakar’s words and he didn’t want to let himself be tricked.

“None of that makes us at all similar!” Darren said with venom. “I didn’t use the loneliness as an excuse to murder my own brother for more power.”

Rakar narrowed his eyes and there was a hint of exasperation in his face. “None of you understand. It was a mercy-killing. I took his life because he’d been corrupted beyond all hope of recovery. It was the only thing I could do to stop him before it was too late. Cosium mattered more than his life.”

“I don’t believe you,” he insisted, still glaring. “You wanted Father’s throne all along, didn’t you?”

“Nice as it is, I don’t need it,” the traitor shrugged. “After all, it’s only a means to an end. Thanks to your brother’s interference out on the ocean, there was no way for me to licitly gain mastery over the Cosmos Diamond, so there is little point in trying to get the throne now. Kaze can have it for a while. I have other plans that will take up most of my time—and you will help me.”

Darren bared his teeth in a snarl. “You really think after everything you’ve done that I’ll voluntarily help you destroy my family and country?”

“I never said anything about it being ‘voluntary’. It’s more a matter of who you’re willing to sacrifice: those you care about most…or yourself.”

They stood facing each other, the only sounds breaking the silence being Trails’ half-stifled whimpers. After a second Darren straightened.

“Myself. But why should I trust you at your word if I have no guarantee you’ll actually refrain from harming Kaze? And what about Eliza?”

The corner of Rakar’s mouth tilted up and he reached over to touch a blank paper on the desk, his hand enveloped by purple light. Fluid writing bled onto it as the silver sheen of magic coloured every letter. He held it out.

“Satisfied? A magical contract will hold me to my promise as well as you.”

Darren forced himself to approach and accept the paper, reading it quickly.

“You’ll allow every member of the Coizard Royal family to go about their lives protected from you as long as they are not aware that you’re alive…in exchange for me.”

“I haven’t decided when I’ll come to collect you just yet,” the older hedgehog added as though he was talking about payment rather than a person. “It could be twenty years from now or next week. I will also grant you one favour within my power in return for giving yourself up early, though that is your choice.”

‘Choice’? There was no choice being presented here. It was pure threat with the tantalising possibility of having a way out. But Darren wasn’t foolish enough to entertain it.

He grabbed a pen and inkwell, his signature on the paper a moment later. Rakar did the same, then without warning he seized his nephew’s wrist. Shadows curled around his hand, then there was a flash of sharp, raw pain. He clamped his eyes shut and bit his tongue, not allowing the tiniest noise to escape. He refused to give his uncle that satisfaction.

“Impressive self-control you have, Darren. Usually they scream uncontrollably when I do that,” Rakar complimented, picking up the contract and tucking it into his robe. “It’s an interesting Black Magic spell that resonates with my soul. I’ll know where you are at all times and I can listen in whenever I like. All you have to do is touch the mark and say my name, then I will come.”

He walked across the room, leaving Darren at the desk. The ebony hedgehog’s whole body trembled and he found it hard to remain standing. He had to grip the chair beside him for support and used his teeth to pull off the glove. What looked like a tattoo had been burnt into the fur of his left hand. Was that the Old Speech symbol for…doom?

He was so preoccupied with the paralysing pain that he didn’t realize the other hedgehog had gone over to Eliza, still standing there with the little squirming wolf, a vacant expression on her face. Rakar pulled out a vial of green liquid, unstoppering it and reaching toward her arm with his knife. It sliced a small cut and blood welled up, dripping into the bottle.

Darren lurched forward with a furious shout, but his uncle suddenly laughed as he stared at the liquid that had begun to swirl with flecks of gold.

“Well, that’s certainly a surprise. Nephew, you have my permission to marry the girl.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Rakar cast another look back at him, red eyes triumphant, but he didn’t say anything and started to walk toward the open window. Darren gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to let him saunter off. Not like this.

“Tell me one thing before you go. I saw you with my Third Eye when I was a child and again a few months ago. Why did I feel so many frozen spikes of hatred clinging to you like leeches, making your real core shriveled and cold?” He leaned forward, continuing to glare. “Why are you willingly carrying around parasites?

Rakar’s expression intensified into sudden anger. “That’s another reason I chose you for this, Darren. No one looks at my soul without permission.”

“That from you?” he barked. “Did you do the same thing to me that you did to Kaze? Will I go insane if I hear a certain phrase?”

The corner of the brown hedgehog’s mouth quirked up once more. “It wasn’t necessary, but I do enjoy my hobbies. Your fears are slightly different from Kaze’s. He’s terrified of those he loves dying, but you’re terrified of being forced to abandon them because you harbour a secret fear that there is something wrong with you. I’ll see you again, Darren. Sooner or later.”

The enemy of their family faded in a cloud of shadows that flew toward the window and disappeared into the night. Trails was freed and immediately dedicated himself to screaming his lungs out. Eliza blinked drunkenly, swaying on her feet, and Darren rushed over to steady her.

“Oh, I feel so dizzy…”

“Eliza, do you really think I’m ready for marriage?” he asked, yanking the glove back on before his fiancée could see the tattoo.

She put a hand to her head and tried to calm Trails by bouncing him on her hip. “Of course. You’re responsible and—”

“Then when would you like to get married?”

The pink hedgehog stared. She could see something almost fearful in his face, and this abrupt change of heart didn’t make any sense. “Are you teasing me?”

“No. I…I keep trying to avoid this, but maybe you’re right. What am I waiting for, after all? I won’t change my mind about you and I don’t need to prepare a home for us. We can even adopt Trails officially at the same time.” He smiled at her. “Maybe if he was really part of the family Mother would stop asking Sapphire whether she’s pregnant yet.”

Her excitement overshadowed the suspicion and she embraced him, tears in her eyes. All Darren could think about was the fact that the contract only protected them if they were members of the Royal family.

Ready or not, he was about to become a husband and father.

End of Flashback

“I was never really given a decision in the matter,” the hedgehog said under his breath. “He liked that better than manipulating my soul so that I did whatever he wanted without a thought. More than anything, he wanted to see Kaze and myself suffer. I had to go.”

Trails stared at him, throat closed tightly. So this was it. The reason he barely knew his father…

“What about Mama?”

Darren closed his eyes, and suddenly pulling Trails into an embrace. The wolf was stiff for a moment, but then reached around to hug back, brows creased with a sadness full of pain. He may have been in his mid-twenties, but now he felt more like a child hardly older than he was the day Darren had been snatched away to fulfill the contract.

“She’s alive. And I’ll find her. I promise.”

To be continued in Teen’s Play

AND IT'S ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! And since it's my birthday, I thought I should give you guys a treat as well. So I hope you will enjoy this story series and find the ending satisfying.


I'm at loss of words except to say thank you once more, and without your support, I would never have the courage or motivation to finish this story.

So, you might be wondering, after "Tale of Origin", what's the next story?

Well, I'm glad you asked (if any of you have that in mind), then I am happy to say that a certain sequel for our favourite assassin and it's in the making. ^^

:iconherospeedplz: Previous Chapter:  REWRITE Tale of Origin Chp17-The Recovery
Tale of Origin
By Arecus. Conberma (Liyu Conberma)
Chapter 17: The Recovery

The Present…
All the young people heaved a breath together as Darren paused to wet his throat. He’d been talking a long time. As Trails handed him a glass of water, Sonic decided comments were in order.
“Wait a sec! What do you mean four kids? We have another sibling and no one ever told us?!”
His uncle emptied the glass and set it down before answering. “I wouldn’t take it seriously since Kaze was delirious at the time. And don’t bother getting too rattled. If your parents had another child they wouldn’t keep it from anyone—especially family. I’m just showing you what he told me as accurately as possible, even if it’s the stuff I don’t believe myself. Case in point, this next part Kaze insisted really happened during his fever dream.”
Silver spoke up this time, wondering about something else as the frozen

:iconheropowerplz: THIS IS THE END!!! THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

Kaze, Sapphire, Darren, Athena, Benonic, Mortesen, Rakar, Marissa, and Posiden the Hedgehogs/Merhogs belong to me :iconliyuconberma:

Edited by my Ghost Writer.

Sonic and his friends belong to :iconsegaplz:
© 2016 - 2024 LiyuConberma
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What did Darren do while he was gone?